Mueller-Weiss Syndrome: Throw the kitchen sink at it
Müller-Weiss Syndrome (Mueller-Weiss Disease) is an uncommon spontaneous avascular necrosis of the navicular bone in feet of adults. It was first described separately…
How to throw the kitchen sink at your foot problem
Müller-Weiss Syndrome (Mueller-Weiss Disease) is an uncommon spontaneous avascular necrosis of the navicular bone in feet of adults. It was first described separately…
A ‘Durlacher corn‘ is a particular type of corn (heloma durum) that occurs adjacent to proximal lateral aspect of nail…
Turf toe is an acute injury to the first metatarsophalangeal joint. It is more likely in field sports associated with…
Under the skin on the plantar surface of the foot is a layer of subcutaneous fat that makes up what…
Iselin’s disease is an uncommon osteochondrosis or traction apophysitis of the growing area at the base of the fifth metatarsal…
‘Toe jam’ is not exactly a medical condition and is the throw away comment used by lay people for that…
The condition of a ‘Saddle Bone Deformity‘ is the name used by lay people for what is technically called a…
A stress fracture of the calcaneus bone (calcaneal stress fracture) is the second most common stress fracture in the foot.…
A Bauer Bump is what is mostly used in the ice hockey community to describe a Haglund Deformity (pump bump, retrocalcaneal bursitis) that occurs…
An Achilles tendon rupture is a partial or complete tear of the Achilles tendon, which is the large tendon that…
A tarsal coalition is a condition that is characterized by the abnormal fusion of two or more bones in the…
A Joplin’s Neuroma or neuritis is an entrapment of the medial plantar digital nerve that innervates the medial aspect of…